

Partner Nancy S. Shilepsky serves as an Access to Justice Fellow working with GLAD Law

November 21, 2024

Partner Nancy S. Shilepsky has been named an Access to Justice (A2J) Fellow for the 2024-2025 year. As an A2J Fellow, Nancy will volunteer with GLAD Answers, the “know your legal rights” program of GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders (GLAD Law) and will support GLAD Law on other initiatives as requested. Since 1978, GLAD Law has worked to “create a just society free of discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation.”

Nancy and other Fellows were announced on November 6, 2024, during the A2J Fellows Program Kick-Off at the John Adams Courthouse in Boston. They were welcomed by Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Kimberly Budd and Associate Justice Serge Georges Jr. In her welcome to the Fellows, Justice Budd said, “You each individually make a huge difference for the organizations that you’re working with by sharing your wisdom and your expertise. The collective impact that you have increases exponentially. As each class comes through, it inspires a new group of Fellows to follow in its footsteps, and a powerful tradition, a prolonged service, and a powerful network is expanded and strengthened.”

Nancy is a partner in Sherin and Lodgen’s Employment Department and is known as a leading influence in the world of executive advocacy, employment law and employment litigation. As an executive advocacy pioneer, she is a champion of the interests of individuals and a trusted counselor to executives and professionals across a wide range of industries. She is also known for her pioneering work in wrongful termination and discrimination cases. Her work includes a high-profile sexual harassment case involving the impact of the First Amendment on workplace speech restrictions and a landmark case dealing with the eradication of race-based discrimination in compensation. Nancy is a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America (LCA), as well as a Fellow of the College of Labor and Employment Lawyer.

Since 2012, the Access to Justice Fellows Program, a project of the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission and Lawyers Clearinghouse, has enabled senior lawyers and retired judges to partner with organizations to increase equal justice for all. By matching senior lawyers with groups that need their help, the A2J Fellows Program allows these lawyers to use their specialized skills and expert experience to do engaging pro bono work and remain active members of the legal community.