

Christopher R. Blazejewski quoted in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly article on legal malpractice

September 30, 2024

Christopher R. Blazejewski, partner in the firm’s Litigation Department and Professional Liability Practice Group, was quoted in the September 27th issue of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. The article, “Legal-mal action vs. patent firm time barred,” discusses the decision BlueRadios, Inc v. Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds, P.C., et al regarding legal malpractice and the statute of limitations.

From the article:

Christopher W. Blazejewski, a Boston attorney who handles legal malpractice cases, said anyone who represents lawyers and law firms in Massachusetts should read the ruling.

“The decision stands against the misguided proposition that a plaintiff with purported claims against a lawyer can, without consequences, shrug off acting in a timely manner when it knew or was on notice of facts giving rise to such claims,” he said.

Read the full article from Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (subscriber content).