

Sherin and Lodgen sponsors Massachusetts Appleseed’s 2024 Good Apple Award Reception

April 12, 2024

Sherin and Lodgen sponsored Massachusetts Appleseed Center for Law and Justice’s 2024 Good Apple Award Reception on April 11, 2024, at the Boston Harbor Hotel. The event was attended by Sara Jane Shanahan, the firm’s managing partner, and David A. Michel, partner in the firm’s Litigation Department. David serves on the Massachusetts Appleseed Board of Directors. The 2024 Good Apple Award Reception celebrated Yasmin Ghassab, Compliance Director at Vertex Pharmaceuticals, who was this year’s recipient of the Good Apple Award.

The Good Apple Award is presented to one member of the Massachusetts legal or business community who exemplifies Massachusetts Appleseed’s commitment to public service, fairness, and social justice. Yasmin has been a civic leader throughout her career and is a mentor to others, a pro bono champion, and a steadfast advocate of diversity and inclusion.

Massachusetts Appleseed is part of a non-profit network of 18 public interest justice centers in the United States and Mexico. The centers work both collectively and independently to build a society in which opportunities are genuine, access to the law is universal and equal, and government advances the public interest.