Law Firm Defense Blog

Stormy and the lawyers: Ethics 101

04/16/2018 | by Thomas F. Maffei


Law Firm Defense Blog

Stormy and the lawyers: Ethics 101

By Thomas F. Maffei on April 16, 2018

The Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump story has political pundits abuzz with charges and countercharges. Who is telling the truth? Is Daniels looking for another pay day? Should the president be a moral leader? Does the public care about  the way Trump acts in his personal life and, if not, should they?

These are all interesting questions. No doubt they will continue to be part of the public dialogue for years to come. But — thanks to Michael Cohen — there are also some interesting questions in this story about what it means to be a lawyer.


Read the full article here, published on Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly.

Thomas F. Maffei – Senior Counsel

Thomas F. Maffei is Senior Counsel in the firm’s Litigation Department and an experienced mediator.